The company registration form generally takes around 10 days to 15 days.
Easy online company registration with Vindad
To enjoy the legal protection and tax benefits, the registration and acquiring required licenses in order to establish a company is crucial. Vindad specialists can do it for you cost-effectively, efficiently and fast.
Registering a company is a key step in setting up a company to conduct business in Iran. Before commencing the company registration process, it is important to understand the obligations of company officeholders and also decide whether a company structure is the most suitable structure for your business. Vindad’s business specialists have registered hundreds of companies. Our experienced team of business specialists can also assist with company name changes, business name registrations, applications for reservation of a name and drafting key company documents such as shareholders agreements (if you have more than one shareholder), company constitutions and employment contracts.
Limited Liability Companies
Limited liability company (LLCs) is one of the most popular companies to register in Iran. Registering this company is suitable for people who fully trust their partners and do not decide to attract investors from people other than the company's partners in the future.
Private Joint Stock Company
A private limited company is one of the most requested and common companies that are registered in Iran. If you and your partners intend to do business and develop the company, registering a limited stock company is suitable for you.
The most important subjects of registration of commercial and non-commercial establishment are form of educational, legal, associations, charity and public benefit, cultural, artistic, and sports matters. So, if you are planning to register a company, do not forget that business affairs will not be possible in these establishments.
Easy online application
Our company registration service will help you submit your application in less than 5 minutes.
Professional and reliable lawyers
Registering your company is the start of building something special. Our experienced business lawyers are available to help with your demand.
Fast, reliable and convenient service
There is no need to waste time and additional costs. We provide fast and efficient company registration services that you enjoy.
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Here's What People Say About Vindad
The cost of registration services in Vindad is fixed and transparent. The price will vary depending on the service you want. You can see the announced price after registering the relevant service request.
Depending on the type of registration service requested, the documents you need to provide will be different. After selecting the service, the list of required documents will be displayed for you.
Yes, but since registration services have their own rules, or after registering in the system and posting documents, mistakes may occur and your application will be rejected. We suggest that you consult with our registration experts if you have not done this process before.